Sunday, December 21, 2008

That elusive Christmas spirit

Here we are, four days shy of the big day, and I'm still an eggnog or two away from getting on the Christmas bandwagon.

I can't believe it's so close. And I have no feeling. It just completely snuck up on me.

I'm back at home with the family, and our tree's up. I've bought pretty much all my presents... I don't know what's wrong with me.

At Outback last night a guy that was a regular of mine over the summer gave me a $50 tip. Amazing. Despite my struggle to be one with the holiday season, that gift meant so incredibly much.

I'm working every night till Christmas Eve, but I'm going to do what I can to catch up! Fancy dinners with the family, driving around to look at the lights, all the good stuff.

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Some people have crushes on Johnny Depp. Certainly, the current following is foaming at the mouth for a certain teenage vampire. (What type of name is Edward Cullen, anyway?)

These trends will pass, but my love for Benjamin Franklin is eternal.

That's right. I have a big, fat, history crush on the ultimate Renaissance man.

It started when I was about 15. I was in English class, we were studying the literature that was first coming out of the United States, and we worked our ways to the Franklin days. I haven't really left it since.

I know it's amusing. I just love what I read about him! He is the most well-rounded individual, and his humor has survived HUNDREDS of years! How cool is that? I mean, I don't even know if I can properly communicate and be funny over my writing, but you can almost see the twinkle in his eye when you read his musings. Genius.

So let me have my crush. It sure beats the hell out of the Jonas Brothers.